Sunday, May 25, 2008

Being Sick

So i really don't get sick too often, but when i do i'm just miserable and am out of commision for days. So yesturday i think i caught a 24 hour bug (I blame Micah) that competely caught me off guard. Lucklyi didn't have to work yesterday but was looking forward to a much needed day off and i spent the day on the couch i my parents trying not to be too much in the way. It was a really long day and i was not in the best of spirits! I'm feeling better today and ate something which is always good. i hate not being able to eat!!
Haley and i are starting to look for new places to live we are on a house hunt Tuesday, and i'm totally looking forward to it! I hope we find something pretty soon so my stress level will start to go down at least for a day or so. She is starting Law School in the fall and i will be going down to California for training at the end of June. I'm super excited!! So we have big things going on in our world. Other than that nothing too much is going on. We are still meeting with the missionaries every week and it's great! I still get asked when i'm getting married and go back to my default answer of "you have to date in order to get married", but i have been dating so that helps. But i may say that it is very difficult to date some one consistantly when i am hardly ever in one place for more than 3 months...
Oh we did have an addition to our little Hugo Ave. family, a fish. His name is Goober, and he is so cute, he is a Beta and is aquamarine/dark blue in color. So far I am still doing well on attempting this whole blog thing, so i shall continue it. It's pretty fun!

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