Saturday, May 10, 2008

Continuing with the trend...

So as my good friend and roommate suggested that i update my blog when i really have nothing to do. i am at work as i will be for the next few Saturdays quite early in the morning, so what a better thing to do than write. i have been reflecting recently on numerous things that seem so little at the time, but going back on it has greatly influenced me today. I have made some of the greatest friend that i will ever have and will truly be there for me if i ever needed anything from them. I Love each and everyone of them, and if you read this thank you! i believe that we grow into who we are and that we are ever changing in order to find order in our lives. i look at back at my self 4 years ago a senior in high school, and have some of the same characteristics but am truly a different person on how i react and perceive things. In my travels i have learned so much and am very grateful for everything i have in my life. Now some random stuff that just comes in to my head, and sometimes they are very scary!!

1. Why do we yawn if we are only? Yawning is a social thing so why do we do it when we are alone...huh
2. Thought i had the other day... if the sky is blue from the water in the air and the oceans why is the desert sky so very blue?
3. When planning day to day things why do we say we need to be at 2 places at once, we just need to make a choice and everyone will eventually get over it!
4. When people say "oh i wish i had time for that..." for any activity. Anyone can just find the time :)
5. Why people beat around the bush? I like to tell it like it is people appreciate it in the long run.
6. I love that my sister will always continue sending me chain emails and i will always read them because most of them are hilarious!! Thanks C
7. That Haley and I for some reason always know what the other is thinking and really wants to say but shoulnd't... and I LOVE IT!
8. My dad! He is so odd sometimes, but i'm still his little girl. ( And i will always have a room in the basement waitinf for me just in case...
9. Why there is so much energy spent on this will kill you this week and something new will kill you next week. We start dying from the time we are born, just relax and have some fun!
10. The earth in and of itself just an amazing place with a great story! Kind of over whelming at times!
11. Sports: all so random and yet we are still drawn to them; lets take mine slide down an ice shoot at speed upwards of 80 mph, American football: hitting people to try and steel the ball back, and so many more that are so very odd.
12. Hair: it is dead and yet we obsess about it. I don't even really know what my natural color is anymore HAHAJust some things that i often think about.

Random but i love to think about odd things. Well i'm keeping up with my goal 2 posts in a week already. Wow i'm getting good :)

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