Thursday, December 18, 2008


So this is for Haley and I will have Ciara do it on email... And i will post more about my trip I have been so terrible about it sorry guys...

10 years ago i ...
1. I was 12...
2. Had a first fake boyfriend
3. went to my first school dance
4. Had the only true fight with my mom
5. I weighed like 75 lbs... wow

Things on my To-Do list...
1. Make it home for Christmas
2. Finish my shopping
3. Figure out my second half of the season
4. Slide well tomorrow
5. And sand my runners for my race :) way fun

5 snack i enjoy... I'm in Europe so this is what i eat now...
1. Snickers Cruncher
2. Prinzen Cookies
3. Milka Bars
4. Pringles
5. oranges

5 jobs i've had...
1. Photographer
2. UOP Tower
3. UOP Sport Services
4. Front desk at a gym
5. i had a paper route

5 places I've lived...
1. Umm thats it just Utah. Orem, Highland, and Salt Lake.

So there you go did it! Oh and mom you have to do this with Ciara!!

1 comment:

Haley said...

I am so proud of you for doing the tag!